Give the Gift of a Lifetime – Sponsor a Student.

School is not free anywhere in Belize. 85% of our students require financial assistance to attend school. The alternative is to stop school as young as age 12. We are committed to connecting big-hearted individuals, families, groups, or organizations with a young person who wants to learn. Contact us for ideas and stories for how others have raised funds (e.g. birthdays, weddings, auctions, corporate matching funds). For $50 US per month for a full sponsorship or $25 US per month for a partial sponsorship . . . you can change a life! . . . a community! . . . a nation!

Sponsors for the 2016-2017 School Year

The following sponsors support partial ($250 USD) or full ($500 USD) scholarships.

Colinda Cabanas sponsors Daya and Johnny for the third/second year in a row.

This is the third year that Colin and Linda, of Caye Caulker’s Colinda Cabanas, are sponsoring school fees for Daya and the second for Johnny.

linda presents award

Carole Mann sponsors Jaida for the second year in a row.

“What a wonderful opportunity Ocean Academy is for the children of your beautiful little island. I was so impressed with the school and the gratefulness of the parents for this opportunity for their precious children. One daddy especially told how happy he was that he could keep his children on the island and not have to send them to the mainland to school. You are doing a great job….we all saw it…and I am honored to be a very small part. Blessings for all you and your staff do and I soooo hope to return soon.” – Carole Mann, Waco, Texas, USA

Carole Mann

Yellow Dog Fly Fishing sponsors students for a second year in a row.

“Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures is a destination travel and booking agent that has worked all throughout Belize for more than 20 years. We are hugely invested in Belize partly because of the county’s amazing fishing resources, and partly because of the amazing Belizean people. We believe there is no better way to continue investing in the country of Belize and its future than by supporting the youth of Belize. We are honored to be able to assist students achieve dreams through education at the Ocean Academy of Caye Caulker.” – Yellow Dog Fly Fishing, Bozeman, Montana, USA

yellow dog fly fishing

Full Basket Belize sponsors Annabella, Milvia, Kimberly and Adaly for the second year in a row.

Full Basket Belize is a grassroots volunteer-run organization founded by former Peace Corps Volunteers. Over 70 students from across Belize apply annually for scholarship support. Students had to write two application essays, submit references, maintain a grade point average above 80% and show community involvement. Full Basket Belize scholarships are renewable every year until graduation from Ocean Academy.


Dr. Gibson, The Belize Foundation.

Dr. David Gibson has served as an advisor to Ocean Academy for the past two years. This year he is sponsoring Lorraine’s education. Dr. Gibson is the President of The Belize Foundation and Associate Director at the IC² (Innovation, Creativity, Capital) Institute of The University of Texas at Austin. He founded The Belize Foundation to fund research, education, and entrepreneurial development opportunities for Belizeans.

the belize foundation